How to Get Started With Business Video Marketing

How to Get Started With Business Video Marketing

Video is one of the most powerful forms of marketing. Its effectiveness is based on three main factors: mass appeal across demographics, high engagement rates, and practically limitless customization potential.

Most businesses today implement some form of video marketing, albeit some utilize it better than others. This is due to the fact that video production is often presented as being more complicated than it actually is. Case in point, has streamlined video production to the point where complete beginners can make effective video content for a variety of business goals.

So, the problem is not a lack of tools, but a lack of knowledge. To address the issue, we’ve opted to write a short primer on the topic of business video marketing. Scroll down below and learn how to make business marketing video in 10 steps.

1. Find Your Audience

The first thing to ask is who is your main video marketing target. Broadly speaking, you can direct your marketing efforts towards maintaining your existing audience, or you can seek out new audiences. In either case, you should attempt find out as much as you can about possible targets. You should analyze market trends in your industry, look at the structure of your social media followers, and research your competitors. Marketing tools can help,.

2. Set Your Goals

After you’ve found your target, you want to define your video marketing goals. Think about marketing goals in terms of behavior: what do you want the people to do? Do you want more customers to buy your products? Do you more want clients to do business with? Do you want change the way your existing customers think about your brand? Being specific with your goal goes a long way, and there’s a rule you should always keep in mind: you can’t appeal to everyone at the same time.

3. Define a Budget

Once you’ve set your goals, decide how much you want to spend to achieve them. The truth is, video marketing can cost next to nothing, or it can eat up your entire budget. And there’s no guarantee that spending more will make for a better marketing campaign. The best approach here is to see how far free will get you, and then spend more if needed for some specific purpose. You can do a lot with stock media assets and simple online video editing tools, and they’re cheap and widely avaialble.

4. Brainstorm an Idea

You’ve set your budget. Now comes the fun part: brainstorming an idea. Ideas that work well marketing tend to be simple ones. Simple ideas are easy to understand, and afford many methods of representation. An iconic image or phrase expressing a simple idea invites immediate understanding from the audience. Simple ideas are also easier to implement with conventional video marketing tools. In fact, the best way to come up with a simple idea is to start working on one immediately. Do free association for a couple of minutes, then open your video editor and start working on a simple implementation of your idea. Do a couple of these sessions, and you are guaranteed to find something that works.

5. Select Platforms

While you’re brainstorming ideas, keep in mind that your videos need to be published somewhere. You have many options to choose from: your website, your YouTube channel, your Facebook page, your LinkedIn profile, your email newsletter, your mobile app, your conference at a trade show, the list goes on. The more channel you use, the greater your reach, and you get usually away with reusing content on different platforms. With that being said, for each video there typically is a platform where it would work best.

6. Choose Key Performance Indicators

Another thing to keep in mind before starting production is how you’ll measure the success of your videos. Sometimes things are straight-forward: you do a video, you see sales jump by 5% immediately afterwards, you’re done. But other times, things are not so clear: you do a video, you see increased traffic to your website, your sales remain the same. What now? Did the video not perform as expected? Or did it perform well, but for an unintended purpose? This what key performance indicators are for: to set numerical targets in line with your video marketing goals.

7. Produce Content

We’ve finally come to the part where you transform your marketing ideas into marketing content. Producing video is a massive topic unto itself, so instead of going into the specifics, we’ll suggest we think is the easiest way. Sign up for a video making platform like, choose a video marketing template, use the asset library to find video clips (or upload your own), customize further with transition effects and captions, and finally publish the result. It takes less time than it takes to read this article.

8. Apply SEO

There’s one more thing to do before publishing, and that’s SEO. You want to ensure that search engine algorithms can parse and index your content, so it can appear on relevant search result pages. Video SEO involves adding appropriate meta-data to your videos, hosting them on fast, secure, and accessible servers, providing video transcripts when possible, a number of other strategies that are specific to certain platforms.

9. Go Live

After you’re done with SEO, it’s finally time to publish. Upload your video to the platforms of your choosing, and your work is almost done. There different opinions on when is the best time to publish content, but a good rule of thumb is to keep track of your audience viewing habits, and go from there. After the video has gone live, track its performance via analytics tools on your publishing platform of choice.

10. Update Your Strategy

Depending on your video marketing goals, it will take some time before you see the effects of your efforts. After carefully researching the reports, you should update your video marketing strategy based on new data. If you’re doing as well as expected, work to maintain your advantage. If you’re falling short, try to identify the problem. If you have excellent performance, expand your video marketing campaign further.


That about covers everything you need to know to get started with business video marketing. There’s a few things to keep track of, but far less than some marketing experts would have you believe. Good luck with your video marketing, and check out if you’re looking for an all-in-one video marketing solution.

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